1926 |
Was born on January 3rd in Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny Lane (21 – 8). |
1939-1945 |
Studied at Moscow secondary art school at V.I. Surikov Moscow State Art Institute. Moscow — Voskresenskoye village (Bashkir ASSR) Teachers: P. Т. Koshevoi, S. P. Mikhailov, V. V. Pochitalov, A. P. Shorchev. |
1945-1951 |
Studied at painting faculty of V.I. Surikov Moscow State Art Institute.Teachers: D. K. Mochalski, G. K. Savitski, V. V. Pochitalov. |
1946-1950 |
Annual creative trips to Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. |
1952 |
Creative trip to Siberia — the Lake Baikal, cities of Irkutsk, Omsk and Isillkul together with the artist M. Artyukhin. |
1953 |
Creative trip to the Yenisei and Angara rivers together with artist I. Sorokin. |
1954 |
Was affiliated a member of Moscow organization of the Soviet Artists’ Union. First participation in All-Union Art Exhibition. Creative trip to the virgin lands of Kazakhstan with artists V. Zakharkin and I. Sorokin. Creation of: «Igarka», «On virgin land in Kazakhstan», still life «Bread». |
1954-1959 |
Annual participation in the Moscow Young Artists Exhibitions. Creation of: «Dinner time. A. Kuznetsov's team»1955, «Quiet evening. Ruzbugino windmill», 1956, «Turukhansk», 1956. |
1956-1959 |
Annual creative trips to Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. Creation of: «Yenisei», still life «Bread», 1956, «At the samovar», 1956, «Indian summer», 1957,« To Kostroma», 1957 «In the Igarka port», 1957 «Rostov Yaroslavsky», 1957 «Andreykovo village. The Virgin of Mercy Feast», 1958. |
1959 |
First creative trip to Italy Creation of: «Venice. Workers’ block», «Collective farm pace-makers' arrival to the meeting», «Windmill in Grigorkovo». |
1960 |
Trip to France. Creation of portraits of labour pace-makers, picture «Isady. River crossing». Creative trip to Ryazan, Arkhangelsk regions and Komi ASSR along the Norhern Dvina and Pinega rivers with artist G. Daryin. |
1961 |
Creative trip to Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions with artists G. Daryin, F. Novotelnov, I. Popov, Y. Semenyuk. Creation of: «Rostov Yaroslavsky», «In Siberia», « Delivery of grain to the state stock. Putyatino». |
1962 |
Creative trip to Arkhangelsk region and Komi ASSR along the Norhern Dvina and Pinega rivers with artists G. Daryin and G. Ogareva-Daryina. Creation of: «Galich. Fish soup». «Galich. Fishermen outskirts», «New North». |
1963 |
Creative trip to Arkhangelsk region with artists E. Zverkov and I. Popov. Creation of: «Autumn on the Pinega». |
1964 |
Creative trip to Komi ASSR along the Mezen, Vashka, Pyssa rivers with artists E. Zverkov and I. Popov. Creation of still lives «Moscow fun pastry», «Bread, salt and bratina (wooden wine bowl)» and pictures « Kargopol. Warehouses of village stores», «Shotova Ghora village». |
1965 |
Was conferred the title of the Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR. Creative trip to Komi ASSR along the Vashka river with artists E. Zverkov and Y. Semenyuk. Creation of still life «Bratina (wooden wine bowl) with kvass» and pictures «Window platboards», «The first motor ship is coming». |
1966 |
Participation in XXXIII International Exhibition «Biennale di Venezia», (still life «Bread» 1956, «Galich. Fishermen outskirts» 1962, «Galich. Fish soup» 1962). Creative trip to Komi ASSR with artists E. Zverkov and Y Semenyuk. |
1966-1967 |
Creation of: «Saturday. Bolshaya Pyssa. Bath.», «Saturday. Baths.», «Winter seeing-off in Vazhghort». |
1967 |
Was awarded a Silver Medal of the USSR Academy of Arts for the works «Kargopol. Warehouses of village stores » (1964), «Vazhghort village. White night» (1967), «Verkhozerye barns» (1967), «Saturday. Bolshaya Pyssa. Bath.» (1966), «Bolshaya Pyssa village» (1967) Second creative trip to Italy, creation of Italian studies sequence. Creative trip to Novgorod and Pskov regions. Creation of: still life «Flax», «Bolshaya Pyssa village», « Vazhghort village. White night» «Verkhozerye barns». |
1968 |
Was conferred a title of I.E. Repin RSFSR State Prize-winner for « Isady. River crossing» (I960), «New North» (1962), «Saturday. Baths» (1966—1967), «Verkhozerye barns» (1967), «Winter seeing-off in Vazhghort» (1966—1967), «Vazhghort village. White night» (1967), «Bolshaya Pyssa village» (1967). Creative trip to Pskov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Vladimir regions with artists G. Daryin, Y. Semenyuk, V. Ulyanov. Creation of: «Venice. Midday», «Firenze. Ponte Vecchio», «Venice. I am waited at home». |
1969 |
Creative trip to Komi ASSR along the Vashka and Yortom rivers with artists G. Daryin and E. Zverkov. Creative trip to Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. Creation of: «Syordla village. Komi ASSR», «The Protecting Veil», «Pskov. Citadel. Flat tower». |
1970 |
Creative trip to Pskov, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Vladimir regions with artists G. Daryin, Y. Semenyuk, V. Ulyanov. Creation of still lives «Romanov onion», «Birch bark buckets, rowanberry and black chokeberry», picture «Twighlight». |
1971 |
Trip to Great Britain. Creation of: «Novgorod. Church from Kuritsko village», «Pskov. Malting shop.(XVII c.)», «Bolshaya Pyssa village. Frosty night», «Yaroslavl. Kremlin. Moon night». |
1972 |
Trip to Romania with artist S.A. Torlopov and a group exhibition of the works of the RSFSR «Russian North» artists (Warsaw-Prague-Bratislava-Bucharest). Creative trip to Kostroma region. Creation of still lives «Kvass», «Antique fire-clay pitcher», «Tea with kalatchi (small padlock-shaped white loaves)», picture «October». |
1973 |
Was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts. November 22nd Died in Moscow. |
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